PRP and Hair Mesotherapy are the leading methods applied to strengthen the hair root and therefore the hair in problems such as thinning and weakening of the hair. These are applications that are made by injecting the serums, which are prepared completely naturally, without surgery, into the hair roots correctly. Their main difference is in the way in which the injected serum is prepared entirely.
PRP is applied by injecting a serum created from the patient's own blood with a special method into the hair. Hair Mesotherapy is done by applying a serum containing a mixture of special vitamins to the hair. Hair mesotherapy and PRP applications are performed with high quality by our professional and experienced experts.
What is PRP treatment and what are its effects?
PRP is the method used in the repair and strengthening of the skin tissue and the hair follicles in it by using the cells of the human's own blood, which is formed in the initials of the words Platelet Rich Plasma in English.
PRP is a preferred method because it is easy to apply and very effective in treatment. At the same time, PRP treatment is one of the most effective solutions for repairing hair follicles.
The main purpose of PRP treatment is to minimize or stop hair loss with cells obtained from one's own blood. It is to prolong the healthy life of the hair by renewing the hair cells.
Since the blood of the person is used in PRP operations, there is no risk of drug allergy or infectious disease. Therefore, it is one of the most reliable applications among the applications in terms of the health of the person.
Who should have PRP treatment?
Since PRP treatments are a safe method without any risk, they can generally be applied to everyone. You can consult our doctor for some special conditions such as pregnancy, use of blood thinners, and a history of cancer.
Especially after hair transplantation, PRP is applied to our patients to support the hair follicles after the placement of new hair and to ensure that the new hairs hold better.
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